Reprogram your mind – Positive thinking

When you become positive, you attract positivity from others.

Step 1. – Calm the heck down. You need to relax and focus on the strengths and beauty of life, rather than its weaknesses. Learn to meditate, create positive daily affirmations to read to yourself, surround yourself with calm people

Step 2. – You have a choice. Choice heals all negative thinking. you have a choice to smile, you have a choice to push crap people away, you have a choice to do something you like, you have a choice to see the best in things.

Step 3. – Be Thankful and be kind. How many douchebags have you come across who are grouchy or nasty because they had a shitty day. Well I’m telling you to not be one of them. Be grateful for your surroundings, be kind to people who are kind to you, be thankful you’re breathing.

Step 4. – Boast your strengths. Sometimes, you need to give praise to yourself. So just do it.

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